Sunday, March 1, 2009

Employee or Self-employed? or just some radom ramblings from Amy

As you know Tad and I have been looking at several different ways to bring in income. I recently took a position with Great American Senior Benefits offering various insurance products to seniors. It is a self-employed position. I was told that the greatest benefit and the hardest thing about the job would be time freedom. I am finding this to be very true. It takes a great deal of self discipline to do the things that are required to actually make money. I can go to work every day and be busy as a beaver and still not make one cent. I have been toying with the idea of getting a "job" where as long as I show up I get a paycheck.

I am most definitely a product of the public school system I have been programmed to be an employee, and trying to do something that doesn't fit that mold is requiring a paradigm shift that is making me very uncomfortable. I was also raised to believe that momma should stay home with the kids and that is difficult to overcome too.

I've been told "you'll never get rich being an employee." Do I want to be rich? Am I willing to do what it takes? or should I go where I will be comfortable?

So here's my plan. I am going to stay where I am for the time being and see if I really have what it takes. (Tad already thinks I do so that's a help)

I do know that I don't want my kids to have to overcome these same obstacles. That's just one of the reasons we homeschool.

I am betting that one of the reasons that so many people fail at having their own businesses is because they have been trained by our wonderful public schools to be worker bees and nothing else.

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